Smitten with Him

grown-up stuff happens here sometimes

Missing You

on April 3, 2015

Missing you
Craving you
Wanting you

Unbutton my shirt

Unzip my pants

Slip them from my bodyundressme

My whole self quivers

Your touch sends shivers

Fingers like feathers
Across my back
Against my breasts

Your breath like silk
Kissing me all over
Whispers moaning in my ear

Want you on top of me
Want to be on top of you
Need you inside of me

Penetrate me with your eyes
Your self

Guide my body
Slide me gently onto you
And you into me

Be inside me
Come inside me

Skin upon skin
Skin within skin

2 responses to “Missing You

  1. *sigh* I miss him too.

Talk to me :-)